No Divisions
(too old to reply)
2009-09-25 02:46:45 UTC
Christ showed the Scriptural Gospel to the world
in 1519 to enable the Protestant Reformation,
but after centuries of onslaught by the dark ruler
of this world, the Gospel has been almost driven
from the face of the earth, but Christ has preserved
his Gospel here on Christian newsgroups:

The moment Christ gives us faith to stop trusting our
"righteousness" and start trusting him to be our Righteous
Substitute so he regards his righteousness and victory ours,
we have eternal life.
(Romans 4, Ephesians 2, Philippians 3, Colossians 1,
John 6, 1 Peter 1, Preface to Luther Latin Works)

The Gospel cannot be compromised whatsoever,
and those who cannot believe the Gospel are not
Christians, are not the Church, and are not saved.

But those who believe the Gospel are the Christians,
and are the Church, and are saved and have eternal life.

There should be no divisions between those who are
Christians. The Gospel is the only requirement for
being the Church. Christians should not be divided
by any other doctrinal matters.

Christ who is the Son of God, and who is God, one God
with his Father, is the only head of the Church. There
should be no divisions into denominations, and so no
denominational heads.

What a Christian does for the Lord Jesus is between
them and the Lord, and if the Lord wants them to raise
up a church, either in their local area or on the Internet,
then that church should choose their own form of rule
and fellowship as given in the Bible.

2009-09-28 23:17:37 UTC
Post by Frank
The Gospel cannot be compromised whatsoever,
and those who cannot believe the Gospel are not
Christians, are not the Church, and are not saved.
So all non-Christians will be banished to hell or, at the least, don't
have your understanding of spirituality?

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