pretation is subjective.
Post by shegeek72No it is not <snip>
Prove it.
I read what you write and don't have any problems discerning your
meaning. How is reading the bible different? Language is designed by
God and implemented as a means to confer understandable truth. Yes,
there are passages that are extremely difficult. But you don't
find much gold or diamonds laying out on the ground. Also, those who
are not spiritual (by God's standard not by personal opinion) simply
don't have the capacity to discern spiritual truth. "Many in that
will come thinking they knew the truth when in fact all they had done
was play a fools game.
Post by shegeek72=3DA0It is not
subjective otherwise everything is relative and there is no such thing
as Truth.
The problem is who decides what's the 'truth"? Do we leave it up to
single denomination of Christianity? That sounds an awful lot like a
dictatorship, which has led to an agenda resulting in discrimination
and violence against minorities.
This is answered in scripture itself. Your problem is accepting
what you know to be true. Much of scripture is didactic by both
nature and intent. It is also antithetical in that it stands apart
men and their opinions, likes and dislikes. If it states that God
commands this and you do not obey, then it isn't a matter of
correct interpretation but a matter of nature -one still centered on
self. Scripture interprets scripture. Not some formally set
system or ecclesiastical magistrate. They may each correctly
expound the true meaning, but they and all others must bend the
knee of submission, only coming to a final resolve when their
understanding does not in contradict other passages or teachings
within scripture. If a particular teaching/doctrine/ethic does not
harmonize with the full teaching of scripture, then it is false.
Also, your objection is moot. For one, no one is perfect therefore
no single theo system is perfect. Just because there are errors
doesn't negate the fact that truth has been disclosed and that
it can be understood properly.
Post by shegeek72The problem is, that your God is too small.
Exactly the reverse. I believe God can fit into any other religion,
even into atheists.
Then you are not a Christian! It's just that simple. In the Greek,
Christ could not have made a more definitive statement than He
did in Jn 14:6. He also employs the oriental negative to further
express the absolute exclusivity of His statement. Even in Acts
we read, "There is but one name under heaven by which we are
saved." Salvation is offered by no other religion. Christianity is
separate from ALL other forms of "religion" in that they have men
seeking to merit God's favor, whereas Christianity has God doing
all the choosing, all the seeking, all the drawing, all the
all the declaring righteous all based upon a single life - that of
who by His life, death and resurrection, was declared to be The
Son of God. (Rom 1). This is The Gospel. There are no others
which grant right relationships to God.
It isn't what I believe or what you believe. It is what God has
Post by shegeek72Anybody who follows everything one particular interpreter
or denomination teaches has stopped thinking.
That's my complaint about fundamentalists. They appear to be the most
close-minded about anything that doesn't fit their belief system.
You confuse close-minded with knowing the truth. There is a place
for dogmatics. Paul was certainly dogmatic. The NT epistles are
quite dogmatic. The early church soon had to develop dogma
because of satanic infusion of error. Read Peter or Jude. Peter
warns that false teachers were coming, Jude says, "They're here!"
John teaches that we are to test the spirits. How do we do that
without dogma?
Post by shegeek72=A0> In your advocacy, you do the very same. =3DA0You claim to be toleran=
t> yet you are quite intolerant of those who maintain that absolutes
Post by shegeek72do exists and that God has been clear in His revelation of them.
Not at all. As long as someone's beliefs don't impinge upon my rights
I have no problem.
Oh ya, "Love the one you're with." BTW, who determines what your
rights are? Also, how does this mindset compare to say, "thinking
others as more important than yourself"? Aren't we suppose to have
the mind of Christ? Did Christ have this attitude of "don't impinge
upon my rights?" Your very words deny that you understand the
true nature of what it means to be a Christian.
Post by shegeek72Unfortunately, some Christians are intolerant and
wish to impose their will upon the GLBT community.
"Impose their will." I did that all the time as a parent. I do it
now to those brothers and sisters who cross my path. In fact,
we are called to admonish the unruly. It is the wise man who
turns his brother away from error. But the Proverbs are full
of warnings about trying to teach a fool.
Post by shegeek72BTW, when was the last time you picked up a vol. of TDNT and
just began reading, acquainting yourself with "historical
context, the original language, social norms, etc"?
I have not bought a copy as it's expensive. However, our pastor often
talks on those things, especially homosexuality and how it's been
Self serving and revisionary.
Post by shegeek72Tara's Transgender Resources
So come clean. Is your transgenderism a result of desire or
are there real physical issues. What is your DNA? Either you
are a man or you are a female unless you are a true
hermaphrodite. I have no problems with the later making
a choice. However, if it is anything other than that, then it
is simple rebellion against God's choice and design.
Post by shegeek72Metropolitan Community Churches
Satan's synagogue.