Post by GordonWhat is the meaning, or the identity of the seven spirits which
are mentioned in the book of Revelation? The number seven is
frequently golden
candlesticks, etc. Can anyone provide some additional insight as
to the meanings of these symbols? Thanks, Gordon
Finally, an easy question to answer. Easy yet profoundly deep.
Is. 11:1 Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a branch
from his roots will bear fruit.
Is. 11:2 And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, The spirit of
wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The
spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
Isaiah presents the visions of a tree having been cut down, leaving but
a stump. (I've done this myself!) However, though one would think the
tree dead, yet a single shoot sprouts from the seemingly dead stump.
(Ash, osage orange, etc, are trees which this may occur) Isaiah's
account it interesting in that it is not David who is refered to in
this prophecy but his father, Jesse. Jesse represents the line of
David prior to that which is normally representative of David, i.e.
ruler of the kingdom, royal dignity and wealth. "Jesse" reflects the
idea of the "suffering servant" aspect of the Messianic line.
In verse two, we have the revelation of the 7 fold filling/fullness of
the Spirit which will indwell this Lamb of God. From this we gain
insight on the Jewish Menorah or the 7 candled lampstand. The "Spirit
of the Lord" is the center branch of that 7 branched lamp. It is
mentioned but once in the verse followed by 3 more "spirit of",
themselves followed by 2 attributes. Though I can't illustrate this
adequately in this format, I hope to be able to describe in words.
1) Knowledge of the Lord
2) Counsel
3) Wisdom
4) (the central candel) "The Spirit of the Lord"
5) Understanding/ knowledge
6) Power/ strength
7) Fear of the Lord
These two verses in Isaiah then teach us that
1) The Messiah was to come out of the house of David.
2) The Messiah would not come forth out of the line of David until the
house of David was in abject poverty. He would be born from a humble
house, a house of lowliness.
3) The Messiah would be complete, having the "Seven" Spirits of the
Lord upon Him.
Thus, answering your question, the "Seven Spirits" have their OT roots
and NT fulfillment in the Messiah. The 7 fold nature speaks not of 7
distinct spirits, but rather the completeness/fullness of the Spirit.
Hope this helps.