Post by B.G. KentPost by l***@hotmail.comidealism. Before long you'll have us graduating into some sort
of Star Trek utopia.
B - hate to burst your Bubble bub...but I'm not a humanist.
There are different manifestations of a "humanist." There is the
philosophical humanist and then there is the practicing humanist. You
are of the later fold. But this is only a technical distinction
because either philosophically or practicing, they both extend out of a
self-oriented heart. Your presumptions are humanist in that you set
yourself up as arbitrator of what is and what is not of God. Faith is
based upon conviction not reason.
Post by B.G. KentPost by l***@hotmail.comPost by B.G. KentMoral standard? we are all against killing
Not so. First off, "killing" is much to be differentiated from
"murder." The commandment is not, "Thou shall not kill,"
B - Oh save me.......
Murder and killing are the same thing.
No they are not and that is why the Decalogue manifestly notes "murder"
as opposed to killing. Murder extends out of a self-oriented heart.
It has it root sunk deeply in covetousness. Would you ascribe the
hangman, one who is assigned to carry out sentence of justice, a
"murderer?" If you do then you may as well ascribe to God Himself
who's "wrath" we seek salvation from. Who's judgment will be the
"second death". In point of fact, the "first" death was a direct act
of God wherein man was subject not only to physical death but to
spiritual death as well.
Murder and killing are NOT the same thing. Again, your reveal your
liberal bent in your humanistic display.
Post by B.G. KentOnly Christ can make a difference in the heart of man.
B - Hey now..we agree on something but ofcourse I don't write it out as an
objective statement as you do.
You do not agree. You assume, actually, presume. You presume a
utopian ideal that all "roads" lead to God. That salvation can be
gleaned from Budha as well as Christ. You assume that the "good" deed
that unbelieving men do reflects Christ in their hearts. Christ only
dwells in the believers heart and therefore only a true believer, one
who has been born again, who has a heart change, who can perform
Divinely judged "good deeds." No man is better, really, until he
confesses his sin and confesses the One True Savior, Jesus Christ.
There are NO other avenues and no other produces of change in men's
Post by B.G. KentPost by l***@hotmail.comcollar shop, the first thing I encountered was a very distinct black/
white separatism. One of the men I work with, a white man, has
had his house vandalized by some of the black men from the shop.
B - Well that's sad. I don't see the same kind of racism here in
Canada...but I do believe it is changing all over the world.
Do you not watch the news? What is occuring in the 3rd world?
Tribalism. Just another form of elitism, which is all that racism is.
What is the problem in Iraq? It is tribalism. Why is Europe at war
within its own boarders? It is both racism and tribalism. It one
party wishing power over another. This is the end of all men apart
from the saving work of God in the hearts of believers.
Post by B.G. KentPost by l***@hotmail.comIt is not the real world nor is this discription of yours what
men really are. You've not been war have you? You've not
B - NOpe..and I know about how violence and all of our dark sides just lie
bubbling under the surface...that does not mean that human beings cannot
progress spiritually on earth.
But change has to first come in the inner man before it can manifest
itself to the outer world. The inner always preceeds the outer. This
is why Christ declares to Nicodemus in John 3 that a man
*must_be_born_again.* There is no second way. Christ is THE Way, THE
Truth and THE Life. Apart from belief in Him, the best man is at best,
just a man. There is NO progress apart from regeneration.
Post by B.G. KentPost by l***"Piscean age." And you want us to believe that you're a
Christian. Aint that rich! The more you post the more
condemnation you are storing up for yourself.
B - Yes...Piscean Age...remember the O.T. whose life was
predicted by astrologers? and Jesus whose birthplace was shown and known
by the three "wise men" when they "saw a star"? ....yes...I am a
NO, not astrologers, astronomers. Major distinction. Astrology is but
another humanistic religion based upon men thinking that they can
better themselves by themselves. Why else do you think it was judged
at the first Babel. That tower was an astrological stairway to heaven.
You presume the same error that they did. You think that men can, in
and of themselves, lead themselves and their societies into the Kingdom
of God. This IS ancient humanism which reaches all the way back into
the garden.
You don't get it, do you? That is because these things are Spiritually
appraised. You need to repent of your own elitism. You need to bend
the knee to Christ alone and ask for forgiveness and for rebirth.
Apart from these you will never see/incline your heart toward God.
Look at the example given to us of the Jews who had a head knowledge of
God but their hearts were not regenerated. "They had a zeal for God
but not according to knowledge." This is your plight unless you
finally set aside self and repent.