Does anybody here know the Sacred Secret?
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Leonard Abbott
2009-02-18 02:55:36 UTC
Does anybody here know the Sacred Secret?

Ro 16;25 ''The sacred secret that has been kept in silence for long
lasting time, but now has been made manifest''

With Western civilization and Christianity near extension, perhaps it is
time for God to bring out his secret weapon. ''that has been kept in
silence for long lasting time''

Perhaps some of you will have the insight to understand the ''sacred
secret'' before it is made manifest to all the Nations Ro 16;26.It will
be made manifest by the ''great tribulation''.

The Sacred Secret is about ''God's chosen People", and how they were
The sacrifices of Cain and Able is a good place to begin, Able's
sacrifice was more acceptable than Cain's because it was a blood

Cain slew Able, but the Canninites were marked for destruction and
slavery to be carried out 2,000 yrs later..

The perennial sacrifices of the Israelites gives us insight of how God
carried out the
2 lambs were chosen from the heard, one was sacrificed by the Aronic
priest hood, the other was turned over to a third party to be released
in the wilderness.

Just how the wilderness lamb was sacrificed was kept secret by the
creator. The important thing about this sacrifice is it had nothing to
do with Israel, but rather it was a sacrifice caried out by God himself,
no men were ever involved.

What this means is, although the Israelites were ''God's chosen people''
but they were not his only ''chosen people'', It also means God knew the
Israelites would be unfaithful, and God was preparing a ''chosen
people'' to replace the unfaithful Israelites. thousand of yrs before
Israel turned to Idol worship.

The animal sacrifices were a prophetic picture of the real gentile
people that were chosen to be Christ's ancestors.
B.G. Kent
2009-02-19 01:38:14 UTC
I don't believe that anyone is more chosen than any others. We are all
Gods people for God lives in us and surrounds us and we cannot be separate
from God except in our own egoic minds. God cannot be separate from all
that is...for all is God.



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2009-02-20 03:04:44 UTC
Post by B.G. Kent
I don't believe that anyone is more chosen than any others. We are all
Gods people for God lives in us and surrounds us and we cannot be separat=
Post by B.G. Kent
from God except in our own egoic minds. God cannot be separate from all
that is...for all is God.
One way of dealing with the concept of "the chosen people" in the
Bible is to assume the old Hebrews made a very easy error and confused
their choice of YHWH with YHWH's choice of them. Where you go from
there depends on how you view the gods whom the other nations chose. I
am inclined toward the idea that every body always chooses the same
unique living god - but they call god by different names and they give
god different attributes. But many people are repulsed by such an
ecumenical vision and argue that those other gods are devils (a
serious error by those so believing IMHO) or dumb statues (a much less
serious error). I have more about this subject in another thread.

I don't think that any modern theology actually makes anything of the
"chosen people" concept. The early Christians tried to claim that the
Jews had been chosen but they had forfeited the honor and now the
Christians were the chosen people. They never quite made this stick -
partly because the Christians were not a "people" - they were,
potentially all of mankind.
