should soc.religion.christian be revived?
(too old to reply)
Timothy Sutter
2010-03-22 22:50:56 UTC
i -could- moderate this group,

[this is not a "third party" control message

in my understanding of the thing so, take this

into consideration]
Timothy Sutter
2010-03-25 13:10:23 UTC
Post by Timothy Sutter
i -could- moderate this group,
there is a chance that soc.religion.christian will be revived.

so, if you are reading this, check back again.
Post by Timothy Sutter
[this is not a "third party" control message
in my understanding of the thing so, take this
into consideration]
Timothy Sutter
2010-03-29 21:36:53 UTC
let them have their tar tar sauce...

i'm gone

i don't much like the idea

of moderated usenet anyway.

best wishes...

so, the incorruptible God, alone,
can compare 'you' against God's own
exacting nature so as to assess
your emulation.

will you trust God?

if God tells you that you can properly
emulate God's nature, will you believe
and trust God to carry through
to the end, this design?

when can God trust you to
carry out your own will?

from the onset, your understanding
of God's nature is limited by;

'there's something i don't know'

God knows what motivates you and how you operate.

God knows exactly who and what you can be.

you don't know yourself nearly as well.

now, as you can muse to yourself,

'how -would- God behave in my situation'

God can look at you and know to a certainty
how your intent and behavior aligns with
God's own Love.

what we would like is for this hypothetical
self assessment to be transformed in to God's
own emulation, practically applied to your
own circumstance.

from your own corruptible awareness
towards God's perfecting awareness.

you shall become who God knows.

which is to suggest that God implants
and verifies an emulation of God's own
knowledgeable presence in to your
unique circumstance.

but, your own knowledgeable self assessment
represents a permeable barrier through which
God must be continually invited and welcomed.

which is to suggest that you must use your
willingness to allow God to write this
emulation upon your consciousness.

you can block God out by failing to trust God
and this failure of trust emanates from your
own self assessment.

so, the incorruptible God, alone,
can compare 'you' against God's own
exacting nature so as to assess
your emulation.
which is to suggest that God implants
and verifies an emulation of God's own
knowledgeable presence in to your
unique circumstance.
while yet alive,
you admit to your death
and petition God for relief.

God will breathe life into your presence.

God will begin to lead you in to your own life.

you comprehend God walking in your life and
then you emulate God's presence in your life.

as you favorably respond to God's overshadowing
of your conscious understanding, you manufacture
behavior in accordance with this template.

as God leads you into this life of yours,
God will verify good and acceptible branching
and clip and prune away any fruitless offshoots.

you see the growth,
you eat the growth,
you become the growth.

ideally, some point should arise when
your comprehension of good and acceptible
growth is such that you can encourage its
multiplication and carefully trim away
any factors which may impede flourishing.

and then you will be emulating God's
knowledgeable presence in your life.

you will be verifying your own purposeful actions
against your own good experience of having walked
in accordance with God's own overshadowing presence.

now, you have a beginning in which you can firmly stand.

that which appeared as an end in itself is now
become your staging platform upon which you may
construct a superstructure that will resist the tides.

thank you, Jesus.

[lest i forget]

[not that i ever could

in likeness as a for instance;

how could you emulate something that
resides within unapproachable light?

Jesus, that Glorified Image of God, stands
between you and the unapproachable light
and gives you something to comprehend.

veil upon veil

and so, you 'see' a shadow
of Christ in your life.

and coming up behind you,
God is torching a presence
that casts a shadow of you
against the shadow of Christ.

veil upon veil

and now you can reasonably comprehend
how far you are away, and to what heights
you may aspire, all without overwhelming
you in a sea of unspeakable majesties.

veil upon veil

filters patters comprehension

just remember...

your reality is filtered

you live in a world of comparisons

the filters to God would
remain imprenetrable if God
did not make a way to peer through,

and Jesus is -our- 'peer'
