Was "Re: There is no God, Enjoy your life"
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2009-08-18 01:18:06 UTC
Re: Was "Re: There is no God, Enjoy your life"
Very simply put, if people call themselves 'Christian', they are
required to obey the Bible. (2 Ti 3:16)
As stated that is a silly statement. Second Timothy only says, at the
most, that "all scripture" is inspired.
If we were required to obey the Bible we would all have to hang
ourselves (2 Samuel 17:23) or something else equally
And, of course, the letter to Timothy only claims the Old Testament (I
will ignore the problem of defining what the Old Testament means) is
inspired. Assuming Paul wrote the letter nothing, except, perhaps,
some his letters existed at the time.
God does nothing that is not from love, if He wishes us to avoid
behaviors it is because they harm us or our neighbor in some way. Does
James (the one posting) obey all the dietary laws?

The members of the true religion of the Bible (see Eph 4:5), must
follow ALL the Bible, since they believe it is all inspired of God.
And the Bible shows all those "dietary laws" were part of the Mosaic
Laws, which were done away with by the death of Christ. Thus they are
not binding upon Christians. Col 2:14,

"having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was
against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it
to the cross." (NIV)

Sincerely, James

If you wish to have a discussion with me, please use email since I do
not follow all conversations in ng threads

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2009-08-19 02:11:02 UTC
Post by James
The members of the true religion of the Bible (see Eph 4:5), must
follow ALL the Bible, since they believe it is all inspired of God.
B - and how about the members of Christ? Who said that all who believe in
the Bible believe it all inspired by God?

