Trying to find a church . . .
(too old to reply)
2009-09-30 01:40:27 UTC
I was raised Episcopalian and have spent the last 17 years mainly involved
in "Evangelical"/Charismatic churches.

I am trying to find something a little less
"revival/charismatic/pentecostal/40 Days/latest FAD" based. I'd like to
find something like Methodist/Lutheran or even some Baptist churches. I
would just like them to stick to the teachings of the Bible and not trying
to be HIP, SLICK and COOL. I do not hold to diluting the tenants of the
faith or the teachings of the Bible just to try to attract members or
appear "modern." This whole movement of adding homosexuality to the list
of "accepted behaviours" is terribly wrong. Having the church open to
anyone to attend and hear the Word preached is fine but letting people in
open rebellion to God run the place is going a bit far in my opinion. Of
course that applies to all forms of rebellion, not just gaiety.

I just want to get a few opinions of denominations that others like so I
can begin to visit a few churches in my area. I would go back to the
Episcopalian church but they have drunk the kool-aid and are in heresy from
what I can tell.

Thanks in advance!

2009-09-30 23:44:50 UTC
In article <fGywm.130$***@nwrddc02.gnilink.net>, ***@gmail.com
Post by S.D.G.
I was raised Episcopalian and have spent the last 17 years mainly involved
in "Evangelical"/Charismatic churches.
I am trying to find something a little less
"revival/charismatic/pentecostal/40 Days/latest FAD" based. I'd like to
find something like Methodist/Lutheran or even some Baptist churches. I
would just like them to stick to the teachings of the Bible and not trying
to be HIP, SLICK and COOL. I do not hold to diluting the tenants of the
faith or the teachings of the Bible just to try to attract members or
appear "modern." This whole movement of adding homosexuality to the list
of "accepted behaviours" is terribly wrong. Having the church open to
anyone to attend and hear the Word preached is fine but letting people in
open rebellion to God run the place is going a bit far in my opinion. Of
course that applies to all forms of rebellion, not just gaiety.
I just want to get a few opinions of denominations that others like so I
can begin to visit a few churches in my area. I would go back to the
Episcopalian church but they have drunk the kool-aid and are in heresy from
what I can tell.
Thanks in advance!
Finding a good church for you will probably take some time. Within every
group or denomination, there are churches that have the correct focus
and are strongly expositional in their teaching... and there are some
that are weak in those areas. Also, even among the strong churches,
there will probably be some where you seem to fit in better than others.
The search can be frustrating, and it is a personal, individual thing.
However, if it were me, I would take at my local churches in the
following groups:

First: Non-denominational churches, Evangelical Free, and Calvary Chapel

Next (if those are either unavailable or not very solid): Brethren,
Baptist, Presbyterian, and Assemblies of God

If you still haven't found anything: Methodist or Lutheran

There are many other denominations, but I'm not particularly familiar
with any of them. You can always check one out and ask for their
statment of faith/doctrinal beliefs. And usually (if it isn't a
megachurch) you can talk to the pastor directly about his vision.

In this list, I'm not saying that Baptists are better than Methodists,
but not as good as Ev Free... just that in my own personal experience,
the likelihood is higher to find a church with a solid foundation and
solid biblical teaching in that order.

The only exception is the non-denominational churches. There is a huge
variety there and MANY that are very weak. The reason I list them in the
first group is that they are worth checking out. There seems to be an
advantage to being free from denominational ties.

I would avoid churches that put unbiblical demands on those who want to
be a part of the church (e.g. you have to be baptized in OUR church, you
are EXPECTED to tithe, etc.).
2009-09-30 23:44:50 UTC
On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, S.D.G. wrote:

Post by S.D.G.
appear "modern." This whole movement of adding homosexuality to the list
of "accepted behaviours" is terribly wrong. Having the church open to
anyone to attend and hear the Word preached is fine but letting people in
open rebellion to God run the place is going a bit far in my opinion.
B - just because some people don't follow a book written by men about what
they believe to be Gods word..does not make them in rebellion to God.
Some people confuse the Bible with God. I find that idolatry.


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