Frontier News 12 (Gospel)
(too old to reply)
2009-08-13 02:51:28 UTC
Thousands of denominations in the world,
hundreds of thousands of churches,
hundreds of thousands of missionaries,
vast networks of "Christian" television,
radio, magazines, books, newspapers,
websites, ministries, ministers,
theologians, seminaries, Bible schools,
and plans to evangelize the whole world.
But to reach the world with the gospel
requires having the gospel.
The real gospel, that of John,
that of Paul, that of Luther,
has been replaced once again
by the ever popular "gospel" of surrender
that saves no one at all.
The Jews just could not believe
that Jesus, rather than their whole
religious system of centuries,
was the salvation.
The Catholics just could not believe
that the imputed righteousness of Christ,
rather than their whole religious system
of centuries, was the salvation.
Now almost all Protestants just
cannot believe that the older Protestant
theology that most of their theologians
now consider old-fashioned, out-of-date,
is the real gospel that gives salvation,
rather than their very popular "gospel"
of surrender that almost everyone
supposes is correct.
But on the ultimate global Frontier,
on Christian newsgroups,
beyond the suppression by
the vast religious systems,
the real gospel can still be seen:
The moment Christ gives us faith to stop trusting our
"righteousness" and start trusting him to be our Righteous
Substitute so he regards his righteousness and victory ours,
we have eternal life.

bad antonio
2009-08-18 01:18:04 UTC
Post by Frank
Thousands of denominations in the world,
hundreds of thousands of churches,
Post by Frank
But to reach the world with the gospel
requires having the gospel.
The real gospel, that of John,
that of Paul, that of Luther,
has been replaced once again
by the ever popular "gospel" of surrender
that saves no one at all.
Truly Salvation is of the Lord. Christ did the work of salvation. We
cannot earn it.
2009-08-18 01:18:07 UTC
What if Christianity was not a book, a structure, an exclusive club but a
way of life? what if it simply was kindness, knowing that no one is better
or worse than another, knowing that faith can move mountains, knowing that
to work on oneself and not be a hypocrite is a goal, knowing that love is
most important beyond all perceived differences in dogma? I see
Christianity as a way of thinking and being...I see it in all
religions...in all people religious or not. What if Christianity was a
light...that shone from a source....that some people naturally moved
towards gently and happily?

To me Christianity will always be a heart movement within and anyone and
everyone no matter what they call themselves will be Christian to me if
they care about another, love one another, teach equality,fairness,
compassion, humility, faith power,and honesty....
Some may not understand but that is okay.

Blessings in Christ,
