Favourite sacred songs/hymns?
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**Rowland Croucher**
2009-07-17 01:20:31 UTC
On Facebook yesterday (16 July 2009) I wrote:

'When I survey the wondrous cross / On which the Prince of Glory died /
My richest gain I count but loss / And pour contempt on all my pride...
Were the whole realm of nature mine / That were a present far too small
/ Love so amazing, so divine / Demands my soul, my life, my all'

(from the greatest hymn in the English language..... something from the
second greatest hymn tomorrow... which is that?).

Responses: And Can it Be x2, Amazing Grace x2, Brother/Sister Let me
Serve you, Rock of Ages, Be Thou My Vision x3, The Power of Your Love,
Just as I am, Because He Lives (suggested by Josh McDowell), At the Name
of Jesus, It is Well with My Soul, Psalm 23 to Crimond etc.

I'd agree with most of these suggestions. I've asked Jan to include
Because He Lives in my funeral service. And yes, At the Name of Jesus
and Be Thou My Vision is up there near the top. We sang And Can it Be at
an ex-Methodist's Thanksgiving Service yesterday - great.

Our criteria must include theological and poetic/grammatical felicity,
and more preoccupation with God/Christ than with self - expressed in the
number of personal pronouns in the song. (In my view Amazing Grace fails
on a couple of counts here).

Another factor is context: if young people can't relate to archaic
wording, I'm hesitant to use that song.

However, such a choice is of course subjective: Because He Lives was
very meaningful to me at a crossroads in my life: ditto, I guess, with
many of you and your choice of a favourite song/hymn.

Interesting that I think only one modern song was chosen - The Power of
Your Love. Yes, I'd put that near the top of songs composed after 1960.


And on my Facebook today:

In spite of archaisms and sexist language, the second-greatest hymn:
Jesus Thou joy of loving hearts / Thou fount of life, thou light of men
/ From the best bliss that earth imparts / We turn unfilled to Thee
again. Thy truth unchanged has ever stood / Thou savest those that on
Thee call / To them that seek Thee Thou art good / To them that find
Thee, all in all.

Wanna try to update these brilliant words/concepts? Here's my
first/feeble attempt to modernize a couple of stanzas of this great hymn
by Bernard of Clairvaux:

Jesus, joy of loving hearts
Fountain of life and light of all
From the best bliss that earth imparts
We turn unfilled, and hear your call...

Your call dear Lord to us today
Touches our heart and mind and will
To serve your people in your way
A way of grace and truth... and still...

Want to suggest more...?


Shalom/Salaam/Pax! Rowland Croucher


Justice for Dawn Rowan - http://dawnrowansaga.blogspot.com/
2009-07-20 23:26:09 UTC
Post by **Rowland Croucher**
Want to suggest more...?
Would agree with "Be Thou My Vision" in fact I would like that one
sung at my funeral, when the time comes. But I would also nominate "O
The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus"

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o=92er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o=92er them from the throne!

Zor-El of Argo City
2009-07-28 03:37:14 UTC
Alhough I won't be there, for my memorial service I've requested "When
The Roll Is Called Up Yonder".

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