Nontraditional Christianity for the serious truth seekers
(too old to reply)
2009-07-28 03:37:13 UTC
2 Cor 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament;

not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spi=
giveth life.

Christianity debunked Rev 24-Jul-09

=A4de=95bunk vt. to expose the false or exaggerated claims, pretensions,=20
glamour, etc. of Etymology [de- + bunk2] Bunk is slang, short for bunkum.=
=A4bun=95kum n. [Colloq.] talk that is empty, insincere, or merely for ef=

=A91995 Zane Publishing, Inc. =A91994, 1991, 1988 Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Christianity of today is a bit different than what the Bible depicts for =
or to what it was intended to be. The doctrines that are being taught in =
Christian Churches over the past eighteen/nineteen hundred years or so,=20
often times contradict scripture that one might read in their bibles.=20
Therefore, in an attempt to put to rest this confusing and troublesome=20
situation, I went in search for this solution. This document defines the=20
problem and the corrective action necessary to put Christianity back to=20
where I think it was intended to be.

Legend: My words are in bold blue, [my entries] or (my aids), Christ' wor=
are in red, Words in black are text lifted from reference material. Caps,=
boldfaced type and/or underlining are my personal added emphasis. Number=
preceded with the letter "H" or "G", represent the Strong=92s Exhaustive=20
Concordance reference numbers.

The Problem stated; something simply got lost in the translation. What? T=
distinction made with the words used to indicate "God" "god" or "gods" in=
the Hebrew text of the OT. These words, transliterated, are el, elohiym, =
elowahh. The Greek Septuagint translators overlooked this distinction and=
simply used the word "Theos", and their grammatical variations, in all th=
cases. Here is an example from the Hebrew text:

Psa 18:31-32 (KJV) For who is God/elowahh/H433 save the LORD/YHWH/H3068? =
who is a rock save our God/elohiym/H430? It is God/el/H410 that girdeth m=
with strength, and maketh my way perfect.

This error was dispersed throughout most of Christianity, and eventually=20
ended up leading people to believe that Jesus Christ was God also. Here i=
one of those verses that is quite clear, indicating that Jesus Christ is=20
"God" at least to Thomas. Ref:

John 20:28 (KJV) And Thomas answered and said unto him (Jesus), My Lord a=
my God.

With this reference, what do you think might have been the exact word tha=
Thomas used here, most likely spoken in Aramaic or Hebrew? Was it the=20
equivalent to el, elowahh, or elohiym?

The corrective action: When one recognizes the distinction that the Hebre=
writers definitely made with these three words, they are on their way to=20
understanding our Lord Jesus as a man. From there it is a short step to=20
knowing God the Father, whose name is roughly pronounced as Yahuah or=20
popularly spoken as Jehovah in English.

Mat 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knowe=
the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son=
and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

Therefore, it is not difficult for any truth seeker to verify my finding=20
expresses on this site, on their own, using valid scripture, and a little=
help from the Holy Spirit. It is my opinion that the apathetic character=20
trait of mankind in general has attributed to the degradation and other=20
realities we find in today=92s Christian church.

Go to: http://digilander.libero.it/Berniepros/ for more information about=
this topic. May God bless you with further understanding.

simply =93Christian=94
Steve Hayes
2009-07-30 00:25:29 UTC
Post by Proshome
2 Cor 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament;
not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spi=
giveth life.
Christianity debunked Rev 24-Jul-09
=A4de=95bunk vt. to expose the false or exaggerated claims, pretensions,=20
glamour, etc. of Etymology [de- + bunk2] Bunk is slang, short for bunkum.=
=A4bun=95kum n. [Colloq.] talk that is empty, insincere, or merely for ef=
I've always wanted an =A4 de 95.
The unworthy deacon,
Stephen Methodius Hayes
Contact: http://hayesfam.bravehost.com/stevesig.htm
Orthodox mission pages: http://www.orthodoxy.faithweb.com/