Bible inerrancy?
(too old to reply)
B.G. Kent
2007-11-26 00:30:00 UTC
An interesting quote..and a very good link I figure.

"The Bible has been used for centuries by Christians as a
weapon of control. To read it literally is to believe in a
three-tiered universe, to condone slavery, to treat women as inferior
creatures, to believe that sickness is caused by God's punishment and
that mental disease and epilepsy are caused by demonic possession.
When someone tells me that they believe the Bible is the 'literal and
inerrant word of God,' I always ask, 'Have you ever read it'?" Bishop
John Shelby Spong.

A learned man ...a Bishop..said that.

want to learn more about bible inerrancy?


I love the religious tolerance site for it seems to me..very fair and
balanced...showing letters from those that love it as well as those that

My God guide you,
Denis Giron
2007-11-27 01:32:28 UTC
Bishop John Shelby Spong.
A learned man ...a Bishop..
With all due respect, he is the former Bishop of Newark for the
*EPISCOPALIAN* church (i.e. he was neither a Bishop in the Roman
Catholic or Eastern Orthodox churches). This is significant for the
sake of context (i.e. because there are wings of the Episcopalian
church which are far more liberal than is the norm in Roman
Catholicism or Orthodoxy). For those interested in Spong, they can
read his books, but I would also recommend his debate with William
Lane Craig. In that debate, we see that in what sense Spong is still a
Christian is very hard to know. Personally, I think of him as
essentially an agnostic who still wears Anglican vestments (which,
sadly, is not all that uncommon in the Anglican communion these days).